“The Truth About --The Lie About”



Chapter Eighteen

The Issue of Life


The issue of life is -- What choices will we make in our stay here on this Earth?  Will I receive my place and blessings in the Kingdom of God by doing works or by a gift of inheritance?


At first that seems to be an over simplification of the purposes of God for each person -- but we will see that is an all inclusive decision.  It is an astounding revelation to come to the place where -- after cutting through all the words of men -- that the question is so simple. So simple a child can understand. 

The Question


The question that God is asking is -- Will you let Me bless you with gifts from Me without you trying to work for them? Jesus taught this throughout all of His teachings. He said -- Forsake all -- Take no thought for tomorrow -- Don’t store up for you are more valuable that many sparrows.

What Kingdom to Choose


The whole revelation of God reveals that God in the person of the Father -- the Son and the Holy Spirit -- made that choice for Themselves and are waiting for us to make our choice.  God -- through the Lord Jesus Christ -- chose righteousness by a gift and blessings by inheritance as the foundation for His Everlasting Kingdom.  That is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. God has established His eternal Kingdom on that Truth. The only question remaining is -- Where and how will the rest of creation choose to live? I believe that each person is here on this Earth to make that choice for themselves.

The Godhead -- Father -- Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit is the source of all things -- and although God  has given each of us the ability to design and build things out of other created things -- all things are made by God and for His pleasure. Therefore -- He wants us to know that whatever we want or need -- He is the supplier -- and that all things come to us as gifts from Him. They come to us by inheritance and not works. Those blessings come to us when we take our place as son - kings within the Kingdom of God.

We cannot earn things by working for them so that God owes us or is indebted to us.  God is never indebted to us because He gives all His blessings as gifts.   God has to keep His Word because it’s His Word -- not because we expect Him to keep it.

We are never indebted to Him because we can never earn anything from Him.  We must receive all things from Him as gifts. When you receive something as a gift -- you don’t owe the person that gave you the gift anything for the gift. So on the basis of that Truth -- God is saying -- You don’t owe Me anything. He doesn’t want us to be burdened with a debt we could never pay.  So to honor God and His Kingdom principles -- we come to Him because we want to -- not because we owe it to Him.   Staying with someone because you owe it to them or because you have to makes a terrible relationship. It is one of bondage not love.

That is the way that God has dealt with us and -- if I’m going to live in the Kingdom of God now -- I must live the same way toward those around me. God established laws that were designed to free people from debt in the Old Testament and it was a legal matter -- but that was to show us how we should live with each other out of a heart of love and forgiveness and not because it was a law.

Debt is a form of bondage and it has no part in the Kingdom of God.  The principle that each person must live by to be living in the reality of the Kingdom of God on a daily basis is -- freely it was given to me and freely I give to others with nothing lacking.

No excess -- No lack


(2 Cor 8:15 KJV) As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack. This is how Jesus lived and this is what He taught through example and word.

I realize that we owe God a debt that could never be paid because His blessings to us are infinite and that is why God doesn’t come to us with a message of how to earn our blessings. Like we said -- we can never pay such a debt and so -- God has made all the payment that could ever be paid through Jesus Christ.  Then Jesus Christ comes to us and says -- I love you -- Will you love Me by receiving all I have for you as a gift?

It says in -- (Psa 2:8 KJV)  Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

If we read this verse with the italicized words -- it says that the Father told the Son to ask for the heathen as an inheritance which does have its place in God’s plan -- but if you leave out those italicized words -- it says what God really meant. The Father told the Son (Jesus the Christ) to ask His Father to give the Son’s inheritance to the heathen and that is what the Father has done.  Jesus asked the Father to give us His inheritance and the Father has answered the Son’s prayer.  We have been given the Lord Jesus Christ’s inheritance. What a great God we serve.

Being a Warehouse


God is looking for men and women that will say yes to Him and His Kingdom principles.  When a man or woman comes to that place in their life where they both believe and live that Truth -- they become a warehouse where God stores all His blessings for mankind. That person is assigned the place of being a supply to the world. If you are storing up for any other reason than to be a supply to the world -- you are caught in the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches.

When we become a store house for the Lord -- we become a sower of good seed.  He or she becomes a person like Jesus.  Really I should say -- we become Christ Jesus alive on the Earth.  Jesus begins to live out His life in our bodies on this Earth.

Jesus was a storehouse from Heaven.  He came to bless the world without money and without price.

(Isa 55:1 KJV) Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

Jesus reveals in living form the invisible Kingdom of God that is based on gift righteousness and multiplying by inheritance.  God the Father has -- through Jesus Christ -- received His righteousness and blessings the same way -- righteousness by a gift and blessings by inheritance.

I know that you will not accept that idea very easily -- especially as a way of life -- but read on and see what decision you come to.

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