“The Truth About --The Lie About”


Chapter 24


Kingdom Living


The Lord tells us we have everything we need when we believe Him because -- when we believe Him -- the promises of blessing by inheritance are released to us.

(Mat 6:33 KJV) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The Devil tells us we don’t have everything we need and to get it -- we have to be our own supply.  In order to avoid falling into being our own supply -- we have to wait for the Lord to bring the inheritance to us.

The Lord has decreed that all of His blessings will come to us by inheritance. That was the lesson to Israel in the wilderness:  The Manna was there every morning by inheritance. All they had to do was gather it.  When they gathered it -- if they gathered too much -- they were to give the excess to their neighbor.  If they gathered to   little -- their neighbor would give them some of theirs.

We have been taught by Christianity that we have to give to others to get what we need for ourselves. That is The Lie. When we believe that Lie -- we become Sin and are cursed by not waiting for the Lord’s timing.

The Lie is everywhere in the religious world.  Give to get is their message and their life.  Give to get so we don’t have to wait is the method of The Lie. Storing up for the future is the method of The Lie to give us control of our future.

All we have to do to change “Manna” to the “Mammon” of the world is try to store up the Manna for the future.

Kingdom giving is: To give to others because we are a supply sent from Heaven.  That is The Truth of the Kingdom life:  We receive so much by inheritance we have to give it away because that is why it was given to us; We have an infinite God and so -- we have an infinite supply.

Storing up is the evidence of believing I won’t get my inheritance for tomorrow. Buying and selling to get gain is the evidence of the same Lie. Buying and selling with inheritance or Manna is not the same as buying and selling the Mammon of the world to store up.  Buying and selling because we have an inheritance makes increase come by open windows in Heaven and not because we gave a tithe.  We take the Manna (inheritance) and we eat some -- give some away to those around us -- and sell the rest to get money to buy other things we have need of;  But it is always Manna that we have received by inheritance and never the Mammon of the world systems.

Buying and selling to get Mammon is my idea and not God’s. Buying and selling because you have been with the Lord and He is telling you to give because He is your supply is buying and selling the Manna of the Kingdom.

So again -- the determining factor is what my heart sees and believes -- that makes the difference.




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